Friday, 30 August 2013

New Women's Bible Study - Northwest London

Please join us as we are thrilled to begin a new


in Swiss Cottage - London

WHERE:  We will meet at Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage
Just opposite Finchley Road Tube Station

WHEN:  Wednesdays beginning September 18th, 2013  

TIME:  10am - 12 noon

WHO:  All women - all backgrounds - all ages - all denominations

WHAT: We are a group of diverse women who meet weekly for discussion, worship and teaching time. CBSi is an international organization that provides an interdenominational Bible study for the community - in over 73 countries around the world.
Our women's group will be studying Ruth, Esther, and 1John this year.
A typical class will begin with worship music, a short devotional, discussion in small groups (on the lesson we have completed at home using a Bible and the study book or questions), and a wrap-up talk. There are occasional social & fellowship opportunities to gather following the class, in a relaxed setting.

HOW TO JOIN:  For more information or questions, please email:
